Saturday, March 30, 2013

Choose Your Own Investments

Once you know what your investment objectives are and your appetite risk is, the next logical step is to determine where to invest your money. You have three options at this point:

1. You Could Select your Investment Instruments
This, of course, would required time and knowledge on your part on where to invest. This entails access to information about investing and investments as well as ability on your part to implement your investment strategies. Some people love th thrill of managing their own funds. But most would not have th time and expertise to do this.

2. You Could Hire a Personal Portfolio Manager
Most banks offer personal investment managers who will tailor-fit an investment protfolio to suit your particular objectives. However, for this type of customized service, a high initial investment amount is normally required.

3. You Could Participate in a Pooled Fund
For retail investors, participating in a pooled investment fund such as a mutual or unit investment trust fund could be the best option. Pooled investment funds normally require a low initial investment and provide you with instant access to a diversified portfolio of investment instruments. Since you buy shares or units in the pooled fund at a particular price which changes daily depending on the performance of the investments, it is also very easy to determine just how much money you are earning and how well the investment is performing.

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